He took my hand and stole my heart I struggled with our time apartI did what I would always doPoison the hope, I had withRead More
Category: #TWIT
That’s what I think
But wolves don’t howl at the moon Why is it that great pics of sunsets and sunrises are so easy to capture, yet a greatRead More
“While you are reaching for the stars, you might just happen upon the moon”. Honestly if I think about it, there’s probably not a lotRead More
The bruises that you left me, vivid on my arms, a physical reminder of succumbing to your charms. No one ever told me this isRead More
“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging. Brené Brown Standing in Kmart at Garden City, IRead More
‘What other people think of me, is none of my business’ Eleanor Roosevelt When I first decided to start my blog, I had idea toRead More
Well okay I plagiarised that heading from the title of Frances Whiting’s book but I too, wanted to be a marching girl. That and it’sRead More